“When you take the panflute it is like you hold in your hands the Psalter, a holy prayer”
Gheorghe Zamfir
Hundreds of millions of records are sold around the world.
In 1959, he recorded the first songs, his compositions in folk style, with the Romanian Radio Folk Music Orchestra, directed by Radu Voinescu, following other tours in URSS and Greece, until 1964, winning the 1st price to Levadia (Greece).
In 1966, he was appointed conductor of “Ciocârlia” Ensemble. In 1966, signs for the first “Electrecord” disc, which will include his famous compositions“Doina de Jale”, and “Doina as in Visina”.
•Pan Flute and organ, Electrecord, (1971)
•The Fantastic Gheorghe Zamfir (1971)
•L’alouette (1974)
•Impressions (1977)
•Pan-Pipe – Flute de Pan (1977)
•Picnic at Hanging Rock (1977)
In 1972, he collaborated on the soundtrack of the “Great Blond with Black Shoes”, by the French producer Ives Robert, and then for movies like: “Picnic at Hanging Rock” (1975), in Australia, “Brâncuşi and the Moldavi- a Monasteries” (1975), “Once upon a time in America” (1984), “Karate Kid” (1984). In Venezuela, the movie “Ciao Cristina” used as the main theme a composition of the musician Gheorghe Zamfir.
In 1978, he composed the music for the movie “The Curse of the Earth, the Curse of Love”, directed by Mircea Mureşan, based on the novel “Ion”, by Liviu Rebreanu, (he won the 1st prize for composition). In 1996, he recorded the music for the Macedonian movie “The Lake”. In 2004, the interpretation of the song “The Lonely Shepherd” was included in the movie “Kill Bill”.
In 1986, he recorded the first disc with baroque repertoire, including double concerto in D minor for violin and oboe by
J.S. Bach with British Chamber Orchestra and Neil Black, to oboe.

•Panflute und Orgel (1978)
•Flute de Pan et Orgue (1981)
•Harmony (1987)
•Classics by candlelight (1988)
•Beautiful dream (1988)
•Fantasy (1990)
•Greatest hits (1990)
•Love songs (1991)
•Romanian Flute (1993)
•Das klagende lied das ein (1994)
•L'ame roumaine (1994)
•Comme une brise (1994)
•King of the Pan Flute - and Other Favorites (1994)
•Der zauber der Panflute (1995)
•Das Klagende Lied des Einsamen Hirten (1995)
•Panpipe moods (1995)
•Comme une brise (1995)
•Panflute hits (1997)
•Panflute und Orgel, Vol. 1 (1997)
•Panflute und Orgel, Vol. 2 (1997)
•Gheorghe Zamfir - Collection (1997)
•Like a breaze (1997)
•Songs of Romance, Vol. 1 (1997)
•Lonely shepard (1997)
•Die goldene Panflöte (1998)
•Glorious pipes (1999)
•A feeling of Christmas (1999)
•Millenium collection (2000)
•In Scandinavia (2000)
•Flutes romatines 1 (2000)
•A feeling of romance (2000)
•En France (2001)
•Love Story Of The Panpipe - Folklore - 60 Years Jubilee (2001)
In 1968, he recorded the second disc, “Roumaine, Gheorghe Zamfir, the pan flute”.
In 1968, he won the gold medal and “Golden Orpheus” at the World Youth and Students Festival from Sofia.
Pop Music
•Seaguls ;
•Hi, George!;
•Midnight Horses!;
•Agata ;
•Sorina ;
•Valse Roumaine ;
•Serenissime ;
•Pluie d’été ;
•Birds of winter ;
•Sun rise ;
•Sweet France ;
•Ladies Waltz ;
•Green Waltz ;
•Danny’s night ;
•Black rose ;
•Flora ;
•Vitrail de Lune ;
•Laryssa ;
•I ’ll give you the Sun ;
•Reflexion X ;
•Et pourqoi pas
Other Discs
•Pan Flute and Organ, Electrecord, (1971)
•The Fantastic Gheorghe Zamfir (1971)
•L’alouette (1974)
•Impressions (1977)
•Pan-Pipe – Flute de Pan (1977)
•Picnic at Hanging Rock (1977)
•Panflöte und Orgel (1978)
•Flute de Pan et Orgue (1981)
•Harmony (1987)
•Classics by Candlelight (1988)
•Beautiful dream (1988
•Fantasy (1990)
•Greatest hits (1990)
•Love songs (1991)
•Romanian Flute (1993)
•Das klagende lied das ein (1994)
•L'ame roumaine (1994)
•King of the Pan Flute - and Other Favorites - (1994)
•Der zauber der Panflöte (1995)
•Das Klagende Lied des Einsamen Hirten (1995)
•Panpipe moods (1995)
•Comme une brise (1995)
•Panflute hits (1997)
•Panflöte und Orgel, Vol. 1 (1997)
•Panflöte und Orgel, Vol. 2 (1997)
•Gheorghe Zamfir - Collection (1997)
•Like a breaze (1997)
•Songs of Romance, Vol. 1 (1997)
•Lonely Shepard (1997)
•Die goldene Panflöte (1998)
•Glorious pipes (1999)
•A feeling of Christmas (1999)
•Millenium collection (2000)
•Zamfir in Scandinavia (2000)
•Flutes romances 1 (2000)
•A feeling of romance (2000)
•En France (2001)
•Love Story Of The Panpipe - Folklore - 60 Years
Jubilee (2001)
•Love Story Of The Panpipe - Classical - 60 Years
Jubilee (2001)
•Romanian Legend (2001)
•Music from the movies (2002)
•Danse de la Forêt (Forest Murmers) (2002)
•Romanian Sound - Gold Collection, Vol. 1 (2002)
•70’s - Gold Collection Vol. 2 (2002)
•70’s in the world- Gold CollectionVol. 3 (2002)
•Famous Songs - Gold Collection, Vol. 4 (2002)
•Immortal Opera’s - Gold Collection, Vol. 5 (2002)
•Most Beautiful Doina’s - Gold Collection, Vol. 6 (2002)
•20 panpipe favourites (2003)
•Magic of the panpipes (2004)
•Doina de l'amour (2004)
•TOTUS TUUS - In memoriam Ioan Paul II (2005)
•Antonio Vivaldi: Seasons (2006) , with TRAFFIC
•Koenig der Panflöte (2007)
•Gheorghe Zamfir and friends (2007)
•Flute de Pan et orgue (2007)
Compositions for organ or piano and pan flute
•Soufle du temps (France, 1974);
•Au dela de la flute (France, 1974);
•Gloria (France, 1974);
•Hommage to Bach - Sonate pour Flute et Piano Pan
(France, 1974);
•Hommage a Mozart - Concerto for pan flute and piano
(France, 1974);
•Printemps du moyen âge (France, 1975);
•Earth’s Mourning (France, 1982);
•Impression sur un Bamboo (France, 1980);
•Hudson Sarba (Canada, 1983);
•Green Waltz, version for pan flute and organ (1984);
•Tarantella, version for pan flute and organ (1984);
•Dance from Saskatoon (Canada, 1985);
•Les Echos celestres (France, 1986);
•Forest Dance, version for pan flute and organ (1988);
•A la Naissance de Jesus (1990);
•Impression Romantique (Switzerland, 1990);
•Gloire a la Vierge Marie Celestre notre Mère (2002).
Folklore Style Compositions
•Doina de jale (Bucharest, 1965);
•Doina, as in Vişina (Bucharest, 1966);
•Pascui calul pe razoare (Bucharest, 1966);
•The Beloveds (Bucharest, 1966);
•My Beloved from Băduleşti (Bucharest, 1966);
•Wedding Song (Bucharest, 1966);
•Corăgheasca (Bucharest, 1968);
•Hora from Focsani (Bucharest, 1968);
•Dumitru Zamfira Belt (Bucharest, 1968);
•Bucharest Hora (Bucharest, 1968);
•Geamparalele from Cobadin (Bucharest, 1968);
•Virtuosity Hora (Bucharest, 1968);
•Oltenia’s Sarba (Bucharest, 1968);
•Doina from Arges (Bucharest, 1970);
•I Found You in a Romance (Romance, lyrics by Mircea
Blok, France, 1974);
•Sarba from Găeşti (France, 1992);
•Găeşti Belt (France, 1999);
•Zamfir Hora (France, 1999);
•Zamfir Geamparalele (France, 1999);
•Hope Doina (France, 1994);
•Doina de l'amour (France 1994);
•Romanian Suite (Bucharest, 2004).
Symphonic, vocal, and vocal symphonic
Hora pe bataie, for pan flute and orchestra popular (Bucharest, 1968);
Hora of Zamfir, for pan flute and folk orchestra (Bucharest, 1968);
Mesa for peace, for pan flute, mixed choir, folk instruments, organ, and orchestra (Paris - France, 1974);
Ladies waltz (Paris - France, 1975);
Danse Roumaine (Paris - France, 1979);
Forest Dance, for pan flute and symphony orchestra (Paris - France, 1979)
Spring Rhapsody for pan flute and orchestra (Paris -France, 1983);
Concerto No.1 for pan flute and orchestra (Paris -France, 1983);
Pour Toi Jesus (Paris - France, 1983);
Six Colors (Paris - France, 1983);
Black Waltz (Paris - France, 1983);
Couleurs d'automne (Paris - France, 1983);
Green waltz (Paris - France, 1984);
Tarantella (Paris - France, 1984);
Nicola, Nicola (Paris - France, 1989);
On the light path, for pan flute, children's choir, organ, and chamber orchestra (1992);
Works for two-pan, three-pan flutes, quartet, quintet, etc.
•Song of Carnation, two pan flutes (France,2002);
•Song of Chrysanthemum, two pan flutes-(France, 2002);
•Suite for two pan flutes (France, 2002)
•Duet on a theme by Bach (France, 2002)
•Duet for pan flutes, op. 2 (France, 2002)
•Trio, The Lily Song (France, 2002)
•Quartet for pan flutes, op. 3 (France, 2002)
•Beatitude, for 9 pan flutes (France, 1980);
•Jeux Galactique, for 6 pan flutes (France, 1980);
•Le leve du soleil, 6 pan flutes (France, 1980);
•Ansi Dieu crea le monde, for 11 overlapping panflutes (France, 1983);
•Meditation, on Muladhara Chakra (France,
Compositions for solo pan flute
•Wailing (Bucharest, 1966);
•Notre Pere (Paris -France, 1983);
•Song of Hyacinth (France, 2001);
•Bat Song (France, 2001);
•Astral Resonances (Bucharest, 2003).
Chamber Works
•Romance for pan flute, flute, and mixed choir, lyrics by Gheorghe Zamfir (Bucharest, 1968);
•Quintet for Aspens, playing for pan flute and string quartet (Paris - France, 1984);
•Suite I, for pan flute and string orchestra (Paris - France,1986);
•Butterflies Dance, for pan flute and two violins (Switzerland,1988);
•Childhood memories, of pan flute and viola (Switzerland,1988);
•Dance of the Sacred Rivers, for pan flute, oboe, and string
orchestra (Switzerland, 1988);
•Sextet of Cedars, for pan flute, oboe and string quartet (Switzerland, 1988);
•Sancta Maria and Ave Maria (Switzerland, 1988)
•Quartet for Angels (Switzerland, 1988);
•Ave Maria for solo tenor (Switzerland, 1989);
•Ave Maria for soprano solo (Switzerland, 1989);
•Miniatures for solo piano: The Cherry Song, The Pear Song, The Apple Song (Paris - France, 1989);
•Miniature, for oboe and piano – In the World of Teo (Switzerland, 1989);
•A home, for pan flute, oboe soprano, and Organ Switzerland, 1989);
•God, 12 tenors, 12 bass, 12 cellos, 12contrabass (Paris -France, 1990);
•Phrase on silver strings and gold tubes, for pan flute and cello (Paris, 1990);
•Dialogue between Jesus and Caligastia, for solo cello (Paris- France, 1992);
•Ave Maria, for male choir (Paris - France, 1992);
•Prayer, for pan flute and mixed choir (Paris - France, 1992);
•Psalm, for pan flute and male choir (Paris - France, 1992);
•Doina haiducească, for male choir and pan flute (Paris -France, 1992)
•Staccato, for pan flute and string quartet (Paris, 1994);
•Z Romance, for pan flute and string orchestra (Paris, 1994);
•Suite II, for pan flute and string orchestra (Paris, 1994);
•Narcissus Sonata, for pan flute and piano (Bucharest, 2002);
•Ave Maria from Divine Symphony (France, 2002)
•The Lime Concerto, for pan flute and piano (France, 2004);
•Nuage des fleurs, for instrumental septet and pan flute (2004);
•Pluie d'Etoiles (Star Rain), for pan flute and percussion (Paris France, 2004);
•Resonant tones and rhythms for 4 pan flutes, percussion, two sopranos, two altos, two tenors, and two basses.
Divine Symphony for orchestra, mixed choir, children's choir, organ, and pan flute, on biblical text (work started in 1992 in Paris, completed in Machemo - in France 2001)
Outlawry Ballad, for male choir and pan flute (Paris -France, 1992);
Petre’s Sarba (France, 1999);
Hora of all Romanians, Prowlers’ Hora, Hora of the Bitter and Sad Gypsies, Romanians’ Sarba, Hora of the Hardworking and Obedient Gypsies, Girdle of Găeşti, Hora of the Gypsy Pars, Hora of the Rich and Joyful Gypsies, Great Hora of Romanians, for pan flute and orchestra popular (France, 1999);
Concert for pan flute, piano, and orchestra, composed between the years 2001-2005 (Paris - France);
Barcelona Concert, for pan flute, two guitars and orchestra (2002)
Nicoleta’s Waltz, for pan flute, violin, symphony orchestra (2013);
Concert for pan flute, violin, and orchestra.
Symphony AMAZONIA (2019)